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Grilled food, a great winter specialty

December 26, 2022
Restaurant Pasa Tapas

Grilled food, a great winter specialty

Winter is coming and with it, the tastiness of grilled food. And who can resist the aroma and flavor that gives the fire to the food and the atmosphere of enjoyment with our best friends.

How about Calçots with butifarra sausage, or a delicious veal cutlet? These and other typical winter dishes, each with its own unique personality, are the specialty of many towns, some located in mountainous or cold areas during this time of the year. Some options are:

  • Grilled eggplant in vinaigrette. Although this dish is often served as a tapa, it can also replace a green salad or a standard vegetable dish.
  • As for seafood, one of the most popular recipes is roasted fish with salt. One of the most typical roasted fish dishes is sea bream madrileña style, in which the fish is cooked in the oven with shrimp and vegetables.
  • Grilled dishes without using the oven are typical in the south, in the preparation of fish; an example of this are the sardine brochettes, in Malaga, which are grilled. Seafood is cooked on griddles, especially shrimps and prawns.
  • One of the main dishes of roast meat is suckling pig (typical of Castilla-León). When it is taken out of the oven, the meat is tender and juicy, so the suckling pig can be easily cut.
  • Roast kid is also prepared in this way. Other roasted dishes that are very typical in Castilla y León are roast lamb, and above all, suckling lamb, which is cooked only with salt and water.
  • Lamb is also popular in Aragón, where the lamb used is less than 90 days old; it is usually cooked in a wood-fired oven. Another typical recipe is the roast and stuffing of suckling lamb, in which the meat must be sprinkled with wine the night before cooking.

Whichever option you like, in Pasa Tapas de la Barceloneta we have our recipes and grilled options to make this winter more bearable. You can make your reservation here.