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What is the real way to eat calçots?

January 20, 2023
Restaurant Pasa Tapas

What is the real way to eat calçots?

The tradition of eating calçots in Catalonia is a deeply rooted custom in the region. Calçots are a variety of long, thin onions, which are grown especially to be roasted and eaten with the hands. The calçot season runs from the end of December to the beginning of April.

The real way to eat calçots is to grill them and then dip them in a special sauce made with tomato, garlic and breadcrumbs.

What are calçots?

Calçots are a long, thin variety of onion, native to the Catalonia region of Spain. This culinary delicacy is grown especially to be roasted and eaten by hand. The calçot season runs from late December to early April, during which time its flavor and texture are at their best.

The origin of calçots dates back to the 19th century in the region of Valls, in Catalonia. A farmer named Xat de Benaiges discovered this variety of onion by accident when he left some onions in the field during the winter. When he returned to cultivate them the following year, he realized that they had grown much larger than normal and that their flavor was much milder and sweeter. Over time, he began to specifically cultivate this variety of onion and to cook them in a particular way, by grilling them and dipping them in a special sauce made from tomato, garlic and breadcrumbs.

What is the real way to eat calçots?

The real way to eat calçots is by grilling them and then dipping them in a special sauce made from tomato, garlic and breadcrumbs. Once cooked, they are served on large plates and eaten with the hands, first unrolling the top of the onion and then dipping it in the sauce. It is important to keep in mind that they should be eaten with the hands, as this way a better sensory experience is achieved.

To consider that some calçots are good, their flavor and texture must be taken into account. Calçots should have a mild and sweet flavor, and their texture should be tender and juicy. In addition, they must be properly cooked, because if they are overcooked they will become bitter and hard.

As we can appreciate, eating calçots is a deep-rooted tradition in Catalonia and it is a unique way to enjoy this delicacy. The real way to eat them is by grilling them and dipping them in a special sauce, and calçots are considered to be good when they have a mild, sweet flavor and a tender, juicy texture. It is a culinary experience to be enjoyed with your hands and with friends or family.